Two Rivers Care Training

A DSHS Approved School for Caregivers

Welcome to Two Rivers Care Training, where compassion meets professionalism. If you're ready to embark on a rewarding journey as a caregiver, look no further. We're proudly dedicated to equipping you with the skills and knowledge you need to provide exceptional care. We understand that caregiving is a remarkable balance of highs and lows, joys and challenges. At 2R, we go beyond the basics, delving into the emotional nuances of caregiving. Our instructors, with years of experience in the field, are committed to guiding you through every step of this journey, offering insights into not only the practical aspects but also the emotional resilience needed to navigate the path.

Join us at Two Rivers Care Training and become part of a community that understands the intricacies of caregiving. Your journey starts here, where the highs of making a meaningful impact converge with the strength to overcome the challenges. Embark on your caregiving adventure with us today.

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  • Lead Trainer

    Ann Hilda G. Kinyua
  • Co-Trainer

    Leah Warui
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    Address: 201 S. Division St, Suite C, Auburn, WA, 98001
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    A DSHS Approved School

About Us

Two Rivers: Flowing with Care...

Two Rivers Care Training is a vocational school contracted by the Washington Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) to train long-term care workers and prepare them to offer nursing care in assisted living facilities, nursing homes and in private homes. Two Rivers Care Training aims to train caring, competent and reliable caregivers to support the DSHS in providing dignified and value-laden care to support clients and their families. You are in good hands: Dr. Hildah Kinyua, the lead trainer, is a career teacher with many years of training and instruction. She comes prepared to do what she does best: teach and train! Leah Warui, the support trainer is a Registered Nurse with years of hands-on experience in care giving.

Train with us Today!



Courses & Certification offered

  • 75-Hours Training

    Core Basic Training, Orientation and Safety, Population Specific Training...

    A Home Care Aide (HCA) is a professional credential issued by the Department of Health (DOH). All newly hired longterm care workers who do not have another professional credential or meet specific exemptions are required to become a certified Home Care Aide.

    Orientation Training (2 hours): Your journey begins with a comprehensive orientation that familiarizes you with the care setting and the scope of your job. This two-hour session will introduce you to the fundamental aspects of your role, setting the foundation for your future success as a caregiver. From understanding the environment you'll be working in to getting acquainted with your responsibilities, our orientation ensures you start on the right foot.

    Safety Training (3 hours): Safety is paramount in caregiving, and our three-hour safety training module ensures you're well-versed in industry best practices. You'll gain a thorough understanding of safety protocols, emergency procedures, and ways to ensure both your safety and the safety of those in your care. Your confidence in providing a secure environment will set the tone for a successful caregiving journey.

    Basic Training (70 hours): The heart of your training lies in our extensive 70-hour Basic Training program. This comprehensive module is a blend of core basic training and population-specific training. You'll master essential hands-on care skills and delve into topics unique to the diverse needs of the population you'll be serving. This holistic approach ensures you're not just proficient in caregiving techniques, but also deeply attuned to the specific challenges and requirements of your care recipients.

    You must reserve a booking the HCA State Exam within 120 calendar days of the date of hire. The deadline to become certified as a home care aide is 200 days from date of hire. If you do not meet these time frames, you are no longer eligible to provide care. You must stop working until you receive a home care aide certification.

  • Nurse Delegation

    Nurse Delegation Core, Nurse Delegation with focus on Diabetes...

    The Nurse Delegation Program, under Washington State law, allows nursing assistants working in certain settings to perform certain tasks--such as administration of prescription medications or blood glucose testing--normally performed only by licensed nurses. A registered nurse must teach and supervise the nursing assistant, as well as provide nursing assessments of the patient's condition.

    Your training happens in two steps. You will: Learn the basics of delegation, how to administer medication, and how to perform some specific health care procedures from this course; Receive on-site client-specific training from the delegating Registered Nurse (RN), on the specifics of how to care for an individual client.

    In spring of 2008, a law was passed by the Washington State legislature allowing nursing assistants to perform insulin injections as a nurse delegated task. Because of this law and nursing assistants like you, DSHS clients with diabetes now have the choice and freedom to live at home or in a residential care facility when insulin injections are needed.

  • First Aid/CPR/AED

    Training includes: Adult CPR training, Infant/Child CPR, AED & First Aid Training...

    Designed to help non-medical professionals provide assistance in times of crisis, our courses allow you to gain an understanding of first aid best practices for a wide range of conditions, including: Asthma emergencies. Athsma emergencies, Cardiac arrest and Choking.

    The American Red Cross is dedicated to training people to prepare for, and respond to, emergencies. Our flexible training approach combines a game-changing educational model with the latest science in lifesaving care. Take CPR/AED classes in Washington from expert Red Cross Instructors. You will leave with a mastery of lifesaving techniques and the confidence to act when moments matter.

    CPR and first-aid training must meet the standards established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Under OSHA guidelines, the training must include hands-on skills development through the use of mannequins or trainee partners. Trainees must successfully complete any associated written and skills demonstration tests.

  • Food Handler's Certificate

    Washington State requires that all food workers have food safety training before handling food served to the public...

    Food workers who take a food safety training class and pass the State of Washington exam on food safety basics are issued a Food Worker Card (also called a Food Handler Permit/Certificate).

    You are a food worker if you work with unpackaged food, food equipment or utensils, or with any surface where people put unwrapped food. All food workers are required (Chapter 246-217 WAC) to have a valid food worker card to work in Washington. It's important that your card, or a copy of it, is with you at work and available for the health department to check during a food inspection.

    At Two Rivers Care Training, you will receive the necessary training and certification to work as a food handler in the state of Washington.

  • Specialty Courses

    Traumatic Brain Injury Specialty Training(8h); Diabetes Specialty Training(8h), Substance Use Disorder(8h)...

    Learn about parts of the brain and gain a better understanding of how injuries may affect a Traumatic Bran Injury survivor. Our goal is to give you more tools to provide the best possible care for the individuals you care for. You will receive an 8-hour Specialty Training certificate which also counts towards your C.E.

    Learn about possible causes, types and symtoms of substance use disorder. Develop competence in person-centred communication, approaching challenging behavior, identifying stigma and providing competent support to persons with a substance use disorder. Gain tools for Care-giver self-care.

    The issue of diabetes is a major health concern in the United States. Diabetes adds significantly to the difficulty of caregiving in long-term care settings, with complications related to insulin management, nutrition, exercise, and skincare among other issues. You will learn how to offer specialized and informed care and support to individuals living with diabetes. You will receive a certificate upon successful completion with an 80% or better. Can be applied toward DSHS CE hours within the same calendar year.

    Receive Specialty Course training at Two Rivers Care Training, and arm yourself with the necessary skills and certification to improve your loved ones' and community's wellbeing

  • Continuing Education

    All DSHS-Appoved CE classes...

    Substance use disorder training is a vital educational program designed to equip healthcare professionals, caregivers, and individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively recognize, address, and support those struggling with substance abuse and addiction. It covers a broad spectrum of topics, including the science of addiction, prevention strategies, treatment options, and the importance of empathy and non-judgmental communication. Such training is essential in fostering a compassionate and informed approach to addiction, ultimately leading to improved patient care and better outcomes for individuals battling substance use disorders.

    We offer DSHS approved continuing education for long-term care professionals in adult family homes, assisted living facilities, and enhanced services facilities. Most long-term care workers must complete 12 hours of CE each year.

    Receive the training at Two Rivers Care Training and acquire certification necessary to operate in Washington


What people say about me


Unveiling the Heart: DSHS Caregiver's Path

  • Welcome to our instructor's website, where we provide comprehensive training for individuals seeking a fulfilling career as caregivers. Today, we invite you to step into the shoes of a caregiver and discover the profound impact they make in the lives of those they serve. Through the 75-hour Care Training Course from the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), we equip you with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in this rewarding profession.

    Picture a typical day in the life of a caregiver: you arrive at the home of your client, greeted by warm smiles and a genuine appreciation for your presence. As a caregiver, your role goes beyond the basic provision of physical care. You become a trusted companion, offering emotional support and companionship to those in need. Our training course focuses on building a strong foundation in communication skills, empathy, and understanding, empowering you to create meaningful connections with your clients.

    Throughout the 75-hour Care Training Course, you will dive deep into essential topics such as personal care, nutrition, medication management, and safety protocols. Our curriculum blends theoretical knowledge with practical hands-on training, ensuring you develop the expertise to handle various situations with confidence. You will learn about proper lifting techniques, infection control, and emergency preparedness, equipping you to handle any challenge that may arise in your caregiving journey.

    What sets our training program apart is the emphasis on holistic care. We understand that each individual is unique, with their own preferences, interests, and needs. Our course delves into person-centered care, empowering you to provide tailored support that respects the dignity and independence of your clients. By fostering a compassionate and person-centric approach, you become an advocate for the well-being and quality of life of those in your care.

    Embarking on a career as a caregiver is not just a job; it is a calling. The 75-hour Care Training Course from the DSHS prepares you for the challenges and rewards that lie ahead. Whether you are looking to make a career change, embark on a new path, or enhance your existing caregiving skills, our program offers a comprehensive foundation for success. Join us on this transformative journey, and together, let us make a positive difference in the lives of those who need it most.

  • Welcome to my website, where I have the privilege of sharing the incredible journeys and triumphs of caregivers who have undergone our DSHS courses. As your instructor, it brings me immense joy to witness your growth and transformation as you develop the skills and knowledge necessary to become an exceptional caregiver. Today, I want to share with you some heartwarming success stories that highlight the impact of our Nurse Delegation and First Aid/CPR/AED programs.

    One of the most rewarding aspects of my role is seeing you apply your newfound knowledge in real-life situations. I've received countless stories of caregivers confidently using their First Aid/CPR/AED training to provide immediate assistance during emergencies. It's awe-inspiring to witness your ability to remain calm and composed, knowing you have the skills to make a difference in someone's life. These success stories serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of our training programs in equipping you to handle critical situations with expertise and compassion.

    Another source of pride for me as your instructor is witnessing the impact of our Nurse Delegation program. Through this specialized training, you gain the ability to provide a higher level of care under the guidance of a registered nurse. It's truly remarkable to see how you embrace your expanded role, administering medications, monitoring vital signs, and empowering individuals with complex medical needs to live more fulfilling lives. Each success story is a testament to your dedication, and I couldn't be prouder of your accomplishments.

    As your instructor, it's an honor to be part of these caregiving success stories. I have the privilege of guiding you as you develop your skills, gain confidence, and make a profound impact on the lives of those you serve. If you're considering a career in caregiving, I encourage you to join me on this transformative journey. Together, we can help you acquire the knowledge, skills, and compassion needed to become a caregiver who brings hope and support to those most in need of it.

  • Caregiving is a profoundly rewarding journey that unveils the deep well of compassion within us. The highs of caregiving are often marked by moments of genuine connection and the profound sense of purpose that comes from nurturing another person. Witnessing a loved one's small victories – whether it's a smile of recognition from a dementia patient or a moment of relief for a parent recovering from an illness – can create an unparalleled feeling of accomplishment. These highs remind us that we are making a tangible, positive impact on someone's life. Furthermore, caregiving fosters a unique bond between caregiver and recipient, offering a chance to create lasting memories and deepen relationships.

    Despite its many rewards, caregiving also comes with its fair share of lows, often linked to the emotional toll it takes on caregivers. The responsibilities of tending to another person's needs, coupled with the uncertainties of health and the potential for decline, can lead to feelings of helplessness, anxiety, and even guilt. Balancing caregiving with personal and professional commitments can be an overwhelming feat, potentially leading to caregiver burnout. The physical demands of the role, sleepless nights, and self-neglect can chip away at a caregiver's own well-being. Witnessing a loved one's struggles and deterioration can be heart-wrenching, serving as a poignant reminder of the fragility of life.

    Caregiving is undeniably a complex journey that encompasses both highs and lows, necessitating a delicate balance to ensure the caregiver's well-being is not compromised. It's imperative for caregivers to seek out support networks, whether it's friends, family, or professional resources. Embracing self-care practices, like setting boundaries, engaging in hobbies, and prioritizing mental and physical health, can help caregivers weather the storm more effectively. Acknowledging and accepting the range of emotions that caregiving brings is vital, as it's okay to feel both the joy and the burden. Ultimately, recognizing that caregiving is a labor of love that requires patience, resilience, and self-compassion can empower caregivers to navigate its highs and lows with grace and strength.

    There are times when you may feel overwhelmed or exhausted, questioning your own abilities. But fret not, my dear caregivers, for these lows are an opportunity for growth and resilience. Through our Nurse Delegation course, you'll learn the art of prioritization, time management, and effective communication with healthcare professionals. Additionally, our First Aid/CPR/AED course empowers you with the knowledge and confidence to handle emergency situations swiftly and efficiently. Remember, even during the lows, you are making a difference in the lives of others, and that is something to be cherished.

    In conclusion, the journey of caregiving is a bittersweet symphony that encompasses both remarkable highs and challenging lows. While the moments of connection, fulfillment, and purpose make caregiving deeply rewarding, the emotional toll and demanding responsibilities can also take a significant toll on caregivers. Navigating this path requires finding a delicate balance, leaning on support networks, and prioritizing self-care. By acknowledging the full spectrum of emotions and challenges that caregiving entails, caregivers can embrace the journey with resilience and compassion.

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Two Rivers, for the best Care Training

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    201 S. Division St, Suite C, Auburn, WA, 98001
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